“Soul Shift” is a truly breathtaking, animated sci-fi series – because “Soul Shift” proves for the very first time that it is souls who are responsible for the life of all creatures big and small in each and every planet in the entire universe. In which context, Evolution Managers (EMs) are entrusted with deploying the souls – and thus for running the strategy chosen for the life that then develops on each newly discovered planet. Their emphasis is of course on evolution being successful.

Our protagonists, Evolution Manager Dew Blue and Sunny-Yellow, a soul who is his close friend, have to prove their worth against four other EMs in a dramatic no-holds-barred contest to create the best evolutionary track on a set of new planets. It’s a sore trial, and not just of their friendship. The dramatic contest to come up with the best evolutionary track ends up putting even the continued existence of the entire universe at risk

“Soul Shift” – a 10×12.30 min series of superb animated sci-fi and an 1×90 min movie for young people and adults. Available from 2024, co-produced with German TV’s ARD channel. An adventure that toys beautifully with the scientifically proven phenomena that form the basis of the theory of evolution; and a buddy comedy with highly idiosyncratic protagonists, each a character in his/her own right.